Pictured: Danny Maloney.


At OLSS Belmullet we recognise the importance of protecting and enhancing our environment. Students are invited to help with our vegetable garden and learn how to grow their own sustainable foods.  




OLSS Belmullet has two Irish debating teams; junior and senior. Both teams take part in the Gael Linn debating competitions on an annual basis.

We also have a Senior English debating team who recently won awards in various categories.



Book Club

Book club runs weekly in OLSS Belmullet and is an opportunity for students to come together and discuss and debate the storylines in various novels. This club allows students to further progress their literacy skills while also socialising with their peers during lunch time.



Ciorcal Comhrá

OLSS Belmullet values its strong Gaeltacht roots and each week students and staff meet at lunch time to speak as Gaeilge. Board games are played and both students and staff spend their time socialising through our native language.



Pictured: Kea Lavelle


Students are encouraged to participate in Enterprise at OLSS Belmullet and each year, many groups participate in the various competitions offered, through both the medium of Irish and English. In 2018/2019, Kea Lavelle (1st year) reached the National Foróige Youth Entrepreneur of the Year Competition and we are very proud of this achievement. Furthermore, Bryan Grealis, Nathan Connor and Billy O’Connor (4th year) qualified for the Regional Enterprise Final with their product “Seomra Signs”.



School Choir 2022-2023


OLSS has a very successful choir which regularly practices and participates in events both in school and outside of it. Our choir meets once a week and is an important part of our school culture.




Ukelele lessons have begun at OLSS Belmullet and run at lunch times. Students are invited to participate and learn new musical skills while also socialising with their peers.

Trad Group

Our Lady's Secondary School have recently set up an Irish Traditional group. This group started in March 2022 when they performed for our annual Seachtain na Gaeilge. However, the Trad group has grown in numbers & instruments this academic year, meeting every Tuesday to practice and learn different traditional tunes and songs. We hope to perform again this year during Seachtain na Gaeilge, as well as for many more school occasions throughout the year.