European Day of Languages
Every year on the 26th of September, European Day of Languages is celebrated - in Europe, and around the world. Schools, businesses, neighbourhoods and individuals all dive in, to celebrate the cultural and linguistic diversity in their communities. To celebrate the 13 languages and nationalities represented in our school community, today our students and staff were able to take part in mini language learning lessons, and tried their luck at tongue twisters in different languages! They also learned about 'False Friends' ( same word, different meaning e.g. the word 'farmer' in Hungarian does not mean farmer, it means jeans!) and read up on famous quotes by European inventors, philosophers and authors.
A few students even tested their knowledge of Europe and its many different languages through interactive games and quizzes.
Well done to everyone who got involved and thank you to all our multilingual students who became language teachers for the afternoon!
"Un linguaggio diversa è una visione diversa della vita". A different language is a different vision of life.(Federico Fellini, Italian film director and screenwriter)