Our Transition Year Graduation took place recently. Parents, teachers and 3rd year students were treated to some beautiful singing, piano pieces and Spanish and Irish dancing. The students took to the stage to speak about their highlights in TY which included their international trip, their musical, community work and trips. There was a mixture of laughter and tears as we said goodbye to the international students who brought so much to the year group. We would especially like to recognise Gavin McAndrew who won the prestigious ‘Michelle Gaughan Memorial Cup’ which is given each year to the TY Student of the Year and Aniol Sáez Alonso who won TY International Student of the Year. Both Gavin and Aniol contributed so much to the TY programme and are very deserving winners! Thank you to their TY Co-Ordinator Mrs Hough, Year Head Ms Healy, Deputy Principal Ms Walsh and all of the teachers who helped them prepare for today. Thanks also to their parents for the support all year and for attending the graduation, it was lovely to see you!