OLSS Contingencies for Covid-19 School Closure from 6pm 12th March until 29th March.

Subsequent to the Taoiseach’s announcement that all schools are to close until 29th March, we are informing parents that there will be NO ACCESS to the school during this period.

While we all try to navigate as best we can in these unprecedented times the following contingencies have been put in place to support the student’s education.

  1. All students should have access to their email addresses and will be able to communicate with their teachers during normal school hours.

  2. If students cannot access their email account, their password can be reset by emailing a request from another email address (preferably a parent’s email)  to gerardineconnor@ourladysbelmullet.ie  and/or info@ourladysbelmullet.ie

  3. Teachers have set up Google Classroom with their classes and work for students will be shared on this platform also. This will happen in line with the class timetables and students are advised to plan their work in line with their school timetable each day. i.e. The work for each class will be posted by the teacher before the class period begins each day.

  4. We are asking parents, in so much as you can, to monitor that, the work assigned by teachers is being completed by the students.

  5. In line with the school’s Internet Acceptable Use policy, only the student’s school email account will be responded to by teachers. Student personal email addresses won’t be responded to. If there’s a problem with this, please refer to point 2 above.

  6. Students have been asked to bring home all of their books from their lockers.

  7. Communication with the school by parents can be done by emailing info@ourladysbelmullet.ie or principal1@ourladysbelmullet.ie

  8. Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th will remain “days off”, so teachers will be unavailable on these days.

  9. All students are to refrain from all school-related activities that require them to leave their homes. i.e. Work Experience. Please contact your employer to inform them of this.

We thank you for your co-operation with this difficult and ever-changing situation, and we wish you all well over the coming weeks.

Best regards

Edmund Holmes.

Further announcements and updates will be posted on the school website and shared on Facebook.

Edmund Holmes