Wellbeing week 2020 concluded on Friday and our theme for the day was the idea of staying ‘connected’. Our 1st year students sampled some ‘positivitea’ in our connect cafe. Here, students were encouraged to connect with members of their year group that they did not know very well yet, while enjoying some tea and treats.

Following this, the teams were selected for our teachers vs students games. First up, our female teachers took on a team of students from each year group. This game was watched from the viewing area by all of our students, so the atmosphere created great excitement for our players. In the end, the students ran out 5-3 winners in this contest, despite a great showing from our teachers!

Finally, our male teachers took to the court to play a selection of students in what also proved to be a close contest. In the end, the teachers prevailed 4-3 after some heroics from Mr. Molloy.

So, both the students and the teachers earned their share of bragging rights!

Overall, it was a great way to end our week and it was lovely to see our students and teachers battle it out to entertain us all!

Many thanks to all who participated and special thanks to Mr. J. Reilly for all his hard work in organising the events throughout the week.

Aine Murphy